How to join NSBE-UCF
To become an official member of the
NSBE-UCF Chapter:
Pay National Dues
You'll need to create a NSBEConnect account on https://mynsbe.nsbe.org/s/ to become a National Member
Cost for collegiate members: $15 per year
Take a screenshot of your purchase receipt for submission when completing 2023-2024 Membership Form and take note of your NSBE ID.
Pay Chapter Dues and Fill Out Membership Form
Chapter dues are $25 per year (Fall-Spring) and can be paid through the 2023-2024 Membership Form
This provides us with important information that we use for demographics when in communication with external organizations about our members
And you're done! Welcome to the NSBE-UCF Fam!
Membership Benefits:
Chapter T-shirt and professional headshot
Free food at social events
NSBE Member Exclusive Events (i.e professional, technical workshops)
Opportunity to attend NSBE's Fall Regional Conference and Annual National Convention at a discounted rate
Inclusion in Resume Submission Booklet
Much more...